2024年11月23日 | 你是第56040616位来访者 | 在线5817人 |
Disc 1 1.Part One (The First Day): 1.The Representation of Chaos 2.Part One (The First Day): 2.Recitative and Chorus: 'Im Anfange schuf Gott Himmel und Erde', Finley/Choir/Schade 3.Part One (The First Day): 3.Aria and Chorus: 'Nun schwanden vor dem heiligen Strahle', Schade/Choir 4.Part One (The Second Day): 4.Accompanied recitative: 'Und Gott machte das Firmament', Finley 5.Part One (The Second Day): 5.Solo with Chorus: 'Mit Staunen sieht das Wunderwerk', McNair/Choir 6.Part One (The Third Day): 6.Recitative: 'Und Gott sprach: Es sammle sich das Wasser', Finley 7.Part One (The Third Day): 7.Aria: 'Rollend in schäumenden Wellen', Finley 8.Part One (The Third Day): 8.Recitative: 'Und Gott sprach: Es bringe die Erde Gras hervor', McNair 9.Part One (The Third Day): 9.Aria: 'Nun beut die Flur das frische Grun', Finley 10.Part One (The Third Day): 10.Recitative: 'Und die himmlischen Heerscharen verkundigten', Schade 11.Part One (The Third Day): 11.Chorus: 'Stimmt an die Saiten', Choir 12.Part One (The Fourth Day): 12.Recitative: 'Und Gott sprach: Es sei'n Lichter an der Feste des..., Schade 13.Part One (The Fourth Day): 13.Accompanied recitative: 'In vollem Glanze steiget jetzt', Schade 14.Part One (The Fourth Day): 14.Trio and Chorus: 'Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes', Choir/McNair/Schade/Finley 15.Part Two (The Fifth Day): 15.Recitative: 'Und Gott sprach: Es bringe das Wasser in der Fulle...', McNair 16.Part Two (The Fifth Day): 16.Aria: 'Auf starkem Fittiche schwinget sich der Adler stolz', McNair 17.Part Two (The Fifth Day): 17.Accompanied recitative: 'Und Gott schuf große Walfische', Finley 18.Part Two (The Fifth Day): 18.Recitative: 'Und die Engel ruhrten ihr' unsterblichen Harfen', Finley 19.Part Two (The Fifth Day): 19.Trio and Chorus: 'In holder Anmut stehn', McNair/Schade/Finley/Choir Disc 2 1.Part Two (The Sixth Day): 20.Recitative: 'Und Gott sprach: Es bringe die Erde hervor lebende...', Finley 2.Part Two (The Sixth Day): 21.Accompanied recitative: 'Gleich offnet sich der Erde Schoß', Finley 3.Part Two (The Sixth Day): 22.Aria: 'Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel', Finley 4.Part Two (The Sixth Day): 23.Recitative: 'Und Gott schuf den Menschen', Schade 5.Part Two (The Sixth Day): 24.Aria: 'Mit Wurd' und Hoheit angetan', Schade 6.Part Two (The Sixth Day): 25.Recitative: 'Und Gott sah jedes Ding', Finley 7.Part Two (The Sixth Day): 26.Chorus and Trio: 'Vollendet ist das große Werk', Choir/McNair/Schade/Finley 8.Part Three: 27.Accompanied recitative: 'Aus Rosenwolken bricht', Schade 9.Part Three: 28.Duet with Chorus: 'Von deiner Gut' o Herr und Gott', Brown/Gilfry/Choir 10.Part Three: 29.Recitative: 'Nun ist die erste Pflicht erfullt', Gilfry/Brown 11.Part Three: 30.Duet: 'Holde Gattin, dir zur Seite', Gilfry/Brown 12.Part Three: 31.Recitative: 'O glucklich Paar, und glucklich immerfort', Schade 13.Part Three: 32.Chorus; 'Singt dem Herren, alle Stimmen', Choir 指挥:John Eliot Gardiner 加德纳 乐团:The English Baroque Soloists 英国巴洛克独奏者乐团 合唱:The Monteverdi Choir 蒙泰韦尔迪合唱团 演唱:Sylvia McNair 麦克奈尔(女高音) Michael Schade 沙德(男高音) Gerald Finley 芬利(男低音) Donna Brown 布朗(女高音) Rodney Gilfry 吉尔弗莱(男低音) |
这套仿古乐器灌制的《创世纪》,是古乐专家加德纳和其创建的蒙泰韦尔迪合唱团及英国巴洛克独奏者乐团近十年的杰作。CD发行后还获得1997年巴塞罗那CD大奖和回声奖等三项专业录音奖。指挥加德纳一直以风格有板有眼,著称古乐录音舞台。 《创世纪》是海顿65岁时(约1797至1798年间)满怀虔诚,苦心创作的。自称常于乐思短缺时刻,双膝跪地祈求上帝相助。客观来看,海顿曾旅游英国,在西敏寺倾听过享德尔几部大型清唱剧,特别是《弥赛亚》,大大地激发了海顿创作灵感。自此,海顿停笔不再写交响曲类作品,全力改写弥撒类、清唱剧等宗教题材合唱作品。从1796至1802年的数年间,共完成六部大弥撒曲等作品,及包括《创世纪》在内的两部清唱剧。从内再联系来听,《创世纪》写上帝七日造人,《四季》着重写人的生命力的光彩。 海顿在写《创世纪》时,已是“交响之父”,曾写过104首交响曲。所以他更注重作品中声部间的平衡、量感等古典主义要素,使得《创世纪》可以媲美《弥赛亚》。 |
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